Millet vegan butter spread – basic recipe #veganuary

Being on the vegan diet, I don’t really miss buttery flavours. But for sandwiches and crispy toasts – it’s just fun to use some bit fatty, slightly sour spread. And even if the millet butter from the recipe below does not really taste like butter, it certainly relates to it. And what is the unquestioned advantage of such a butter is the fact that you can keep a large portion in the refrigerator for a few days and it’s going to be perfectly ready for spreading regardless of its temperature.
Millet is the healthiest of groats and to be honest it is also my great ally. We like to start the day together.
Millet vegan butter spread – basic recipe
- 1 cup of cooked millet (1/3 cup of raw millet and 1 cup of water)
- 120 ml of rapeseed oil (or other neutrally flavoured one)
- 1 or 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar (I like it sour, but if you want to keep it delicate – use less vinegar)
- 1 flat tsp of salt
Examples of flavoured butter:
dill: 4 tablespoons of chopped dill (I love this option!)
garlic: two large crushed garlic cloves
curry: a large pinch of turmeric and 1 tsp of curry seasoning mix
Rinse the millet thoroughly with hot water in a strainer. Boil it in three portions of water for about 13-15 minutes until it has absorbed all the liquid. It should be even slightly overcooked. Set aside for at least 15 minutes, preferably until cooled down.
Place the millet in a blender bowl and blend it thoroughly with oil, vinegar and salt. This may take a few minutes because we want the butter to be creamy and slightly aerated. Do not worry if butter is too liquid at this point. It will change with time!
It is best to store the butter in a specially designed dish – a butter dish! („your eyes are bigger than your belly” – so I think It’s pretty important to present food well). You can divide the butter into two parts and prepare only one flavour variant.
It tastes best with good (warm and homemade!) bread or on a crispy toast straight from the toaster
It is not some butter that will dissolve in high temperatures so it will not replace the butter for frying or baking. It’s a spread!
I recommend that you cook more millet and later prepare some millet gnocchi, vegan cheesecake or lentil pate.
As I mentioned, it tastes great with homemade bread. I recommend you have a look at my turmeric bread rolls recipe.